How To Beat Pokemon Dragonite In Pokemon Go Gym - For those of you who like the game pokemon go, would have been familiar with this pokemon.
Pokemon Dragonite, Pokemon Dragonite is one of the strongest pokemon in game pokemon go which is currently much in use by the gym leader for keeping and maintaining the gym.
You who play pokemon go certainly many see gyms in game pokemon go, many gym leader who use pokemon dragonite to keep their gym save.
Not just pokemon dragonite has a strong defense, but pokemon dragonite has an attack that can be said is dangerous.
But is there a way to beat the pokemon dragonite?
Each problem must be solved the way.
Well to that I will give you a little tip, how can we defeat the pokemon dragonite which are often in use by the trainer pokemon go to maintain and defend their gym.
Yout can follow The following tips, so that you can win the fight against pokemon dragonite in every pokemon go gym battle.
You can check first element pokemon that will be your opponent.
But for pokemon dragonite is the evolution of the pokemon Draniti who have a weakness with the pokemon with the type of Ice, and the Fairy.
For pokemon dragonite has a very powerful force to face the pokemon with the type of Grass, Fighting, Bug, and Dragon.
In this way it is better to avoid a fight against pokemon dragonite using pokemon with the types above.
You can use the above strategy in order to beat the pokemon dragonite that exist in every gym that is in the city of yours.
Pokemon Dragonite, Pokemon Dragonite is one of the strongest pokemon in game pokemon go which is currently much in use by the gym leader for keeping and maintaining the gym.
You who play pokemon go certainly many see gyms in game pokemon go, many gym leader who use pokemon dragonite to keep their gym save.
Not just pokemon dragonite has a strong defense, but pokemon dragonite has an attack that can be said is dangerous.
But is there a way to beat the pokemon dragonite?
Each problem must be solved the way.
Well to that I will give you a little tip, how can we defeat the pokemon dragonite which are often in use by the trainer pokemon go to maintain and defend their gym.
How to beat pokemon dragonite at pokemon go gym
If you still continue reading this article, surely you're curious how so that you can beat the pokemon dragonite in every gym that is in the city of yours.Yout can follow The following tips, so that you can win the fight against pokemon dragonite in every pokemon go gym battle.
Check the element of your opponent
If you want to fight against pokemon-pokemon that keep in every gym, then you need to check first the element in your opponent's pokemon have.You can check first element pokemon that will be your opponent.
But for pokemon dragonite is the evolution of the pokemon Draniti who have a weakness with the pokemon with the type of Ice, and the Fairy.
So for you who want to beat the pokemon dragonite in the bout the gym then it's good to use a pokemon with the type of ICE and also a Fairy.
But it is also a pokemon in pokemon dragonite flaying or flying type which has a weakness with the pokemon that has the electric element, ice and rock.
Can be sure if you have a pokemon with the three above element, then tree type pokemon can you use to fight in the gym pokemon go so that you can defeat and win the battle against the defender gym pokemon dragonite.
Analysis of the weaknesses and strengths of your opponent
Besides knowing the weakness of your opponent, then you are also obligated to know the strength of your opponent that you will encounter.For pokemon dragonite has a very powerful force to face the pokemon with the type of Grass, Fighting, Bug, and Dragon.
In this way it is better to avoid a fight against pokemon dragonite using pokemon with the types above.
You can use the above strategy in order to beat the pokemon dragonite that exist in every gym that is in the city of yours.
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