How To Play Pokemon Go

How To Play Pokemon Go - Currently anyone definitely agree if I mention Pokémon GO as one of the game's most phenomenal AR lively discussed among mobile gamers all over the world.

How To Play Pokemon Go

As briefly mentioned in the article pokemon go preview, game artificial Niantic Labs it does have shortcomings in terms of the explanation of the mechanism of the game so simply leave a lot of questions for the new players.

With the aim of helping many player Pokémon GO out there, passing the following section we present a comprehensive guide for the Pokémon trainer, here's a tip and tricks so that you all can be one of the greatest trainers in no time. So whether you are ready to complete the Pokédex and become the ruler of the Gym in your town?

How to catch Pokémon in Pokémon GO

When you are finished creating the avatar, this game will directly invite players to capture their first monster through a mini game throws a Pokéball reminds me of going to the game Can Knockdown. Although initially impressed easily, but does not give detailed information of the Niantic surrounding the circle indicator appears when you're throwing a Pokéball.

The circle indicator is essentially a determinant of the success of you except the direction of the stroke of a finger when throwing a Pokéball. When you hold your finger long enough on the screen, the indicators will be refined and enlarged until the Pokéball returns you throw towards the monster. The smaller the indicator then the greater your chance to catch it.

If the throw misses, you could try to glean the Pokéball returns fall by doing a tap at the Pokéball before finally missing.

One more thing, when you throw a Pokéball you can also do the trick-throw arched (Curve Ball) by way of a little twirling the ball until a special animation appears on the screen. The trick to getting this extra experience is how to throw hard enough Pokéball do, so make sure you have a lot of stock in order to get advanced hunting Pokéball Pokémon after showing off this trick in front of your friends.

For efficiency the battery when playing Pokémon GO, I recommend you to turn off the camera features an AR because it functions on its own more impressed gimmick and sometimes make troublesome for players.

Use the AR itself requires to set up the layout of a smartphone properly so that throws you right on target Pokémon that you seek. Bottom line if you want to experience longer playing pokemon go, switch off the function of AR in the settings menu or at the top right of the screen when the process of catching Pokémon began.

Catch the Pokémon in a higher level 

The action of throwing a Pokéball itself over the game will be more challenging. This can be seen from the level of the player character and the high value of the CP (Combat Points) shown at the top of the Pokémon. When the experiment throws are too long and too often miss the mark, the Pokémon will escape and you will lose the chance to get the monsters.

In addition to the duration of the throw, on a higher level, you are also required to use a particular type as well as a Pokéball special items (such as fruit-Berry) to tame the monsters type also magnitudes more nice CP.

The indicator system throw this game is also a bit of a completely revamped the pattern color showing the level of difficulty of the process capturing Pokémon. Green indicator means you face a relatively easy monsters captured. Yellow means the monsters are strong and can get away from you, and Pokéball trapping the last red which means you need to be ready with the risk of losing the best Pokéball.

Catch Pikachu in the beginning of the game

Want to have a Pikachu as the first monsters? Don't worry because Niantic Labs quietly presents this yellow creature as easter egg that you can open it yourself at the beginning of the game.

If you less like with three Starter Pokémon that you meet at the beginning of Pokémon GO, you could come across the figure of Pikachu with moving approximately 100 to 200 meters from the location of early you start the game.

Pikachu himself is an interesting monsters because electric type Pokémon is something rare you find at the beginning of Pokémon GO. Unfortunately for can get Pikachu again is a rare effort for some, so shall ye faithful affair whether using Pikachu to duel purposes or not, it all depends on the collection of the strongest monsters you later.

The purpose of playing Pokémon is complete the Pokédex list you with all sorts of monsters that exist around the world. Given the number of bags to accommodate the Pokémon you are limited, then I suggest you not to doubt "sell" monster with the lowest CP numbers.

You can do this by clicking the transfer button on the bottom of the profile of the monsters. With this you can get Candy item that serves to improve the level of similar monsters at a later date.

You need to know about Pokémon GO environment

Pokémon GO combines GPS Geo-Tagging technology as a medium is to randomize the locations of monsters so that players are motivated out of the House and explore the surrounding area.

During the rounds, you'll get a notification on the phone vibrate indicates there is a wild Pokémon around them. After that, you can press the screen to start the process of capturing Pokémon monsters as explained above.

Unfortunately the game does not provide notification function screen off screen so inevitably the smartphone you need to be always on the screen turning on this application to monitor the development of monster around.

It became one of deprivation of Pokémon GO you need to overcome with the use of the power banks or mobile devices with other charger. If you happen to have any money once more, you can use wristbands Pokémon GO Plus the new available in some countries.

Type of buildings in the world of Pokémon GO

In this environment are round hunting arena transformed into monsters that are very spacious and also equipped with two types of buildings such as the arena fighting Pokémon Gym as well as the location of the checkpoint player named PokéStop. PokéStop is located at important places such as museums, monuments, or places of worship around your town so you have to go out of the House to find it.

Every time you stop at the PokéStop, you can get a variety of interesting items such as Potions, Pokéball, fruit Berry, and others by way of turning the indicator PokéStop once every five minutes.

PokéStop itself can be transformed into the location of the hunt the monsters by utilizing item Lure Module sold in Pokémon GO. By activating the item, you and other players around the PokéStop site will be visited by a variety of Pokémon for half an hour and you can also catch the monster without the need to go around the city.

Another place like PokéStop, you will also find the Pokémon Gym. This place is a kind of outpost for players to gamble their Pokémon monsters as well as take over the Gym to get Pokécoins.

The gym can be enhanced with often do the fight between one team (Train) in order to achieve experience or beat the opposing team who tried to take over the Gym for you.

The option of maintaining the Gym last run automatically and you can't do anything other than leave the strongest Pokémon to be defeated by the opposing team. The more powerful Pokémon from teammates who guard it, then the harder it is also an attempt to take over the opposing team's Gym.

Overview of the features of the Nearby Pokémon

Nearby is one of the featured Pokémon GO that way it works less elaborated in detail by Niantic. Up to this very second there are myriad theories that explain the workings of the Nearby Pokémon, but for me there is no one explanation that exactly fit my expectations of function in the field.

If you see any shadow Pokémon or an image with image footprints only one it means that the Pokémon is already close enough, just that we do not know the direction before where they are.

Battle in pokemon go

Through Pokémon GO, Niantic leave action RPG style turn based combat from the classic game series Pokémon and replace it with a one on one duel action that runs in real time for the offense. Unfortunately at this time you need to go to the Pokémon Gym location to perform a duel and you also need to make sure the network internetmu is strong enough to avoid unwanted bugs.

Throughout the duel you can launch two types of Pokémon attack yours in two ways namely with tap to attack first and hold your finger on the screen (hold) to do a second attack.

The second attack was the special abilities that require the duration of holding screen until one row of bar at the bottom which is full. You do not need to hold a finger over the screen until all of the rows of the bar was full, just one course.

In Pokémon battles GO you can also move the monsters you with how the killing radius of you towards the left and to the right. With this you can find holes to attack or evade enemy special attacks that are marked with a special animation in the top of the screen.

Know your Combat Points closer

CP or Combat Points is accumulated from the Pokémon monsters attribute you have. This figure represents the overall stats of monsters and generally made a benchmark player problem how powerful Pokémon level they have or are they face.

Boost score own CP need Stardust and Pokémon-specific Candy from one type of monsters only. How high numbers of these monsters may increase CP determined by the Trainer level players.

Although number of your monsters CP is large, but don't make this as a guarantee you would win the fight because the type Pokémon participated and influenced the final outcome of the fight.

Identify pokemon elements before attacking the enemy

Before attacking your opponent's pokemon gym, so it's good to recognize elemt on pokemon.

There is a drawback of any element owned by each of the pokemon that are in the game pokemon go 
