The Fastest Way Of Raising The Level Of The GYM In Pokemon Go

The Fastest Way Of Raising The Level Of The GYM In Pokemon Go - If you are one of the player's Pokémon go and your current trainer already have level 5.

The Fastest Way Of Raising The Level Of The GYM In Pokemon Go

Then it is time you to pick one team that is in the game pokemon go.

After you level 5 then you've been able to do pokemon gym battles to fight one of the pokemon gym leader that keeps the gym.

To do this you have to fight pokemon who are members of one of the teams in the game pokemon go

But the fight in the gym the gym not only to make one of the gym that you successfully fighting belong to you.
But you can also do gym fight to raise the prestige level of the gym that you or your team have
If you have gym that your team have  and increase the level, then automatically you can also put the pokemon you have at the gym.

And you can get a lot of advantages if you managed to become one of the gym leader and one of them is you can get pokecoins for free every day.

How to improve the level of the gym 

You could be one of the gym leader in the gym that your team have but with the terms you have to increase the prestige of the gym to be able to increase the level of the gym.

To increase the level of the gym then you can find a gym that is around the area you are and your team have.

You can see the team you belong to a gym or not by the way of looking at the color of the gym.

If the colour is the same then you can attack that gym.

In this gym fight losing or winning doesn't matter, the important points of the gym fight is that gym level increases and growing.

I suggest you to increase the gym your self, in order if the gym level increases, you can put the your pokemon to become one of the keepers of the gym.

In a fight of gym teammates you could only carry 1 pokemon only and if you manage to beat your fellow gym leader, you can also get a pretty hefty bonus like xp.

You also must defeat each gym guard that is in the gym, if the gym has a level 4 then you have to beat the 4 guard in your team gym to rise points and your team gym leveling up.

If you want to quickly level up, we suggest that you want to quickly raise the level of the gym, it is advisable to fight against pokemon that keep the gym with a pokemon that you have with the level of cp equal to your first pokemon the opponent.

You can use pokemon that has 1 level below the first pokemon of  your opponent.

That are tips how you can raise your pokemon go gym quickly thanks for reading my article The Fastest Way Of Raising The Level Of The GYM In Pokemon Go
