How To Make a Pikachu Sitting On The Shoulders Of Trainer Pokemon Go

How To Make a Pikachu Sitting On The Shoulders Of Trainer Pokemon Go - With the latest update of the game pokemon go this time with version 0.37.0 for android-based mobile phones and also for mobile iOS Iphone 1.7.0.

How To Make a Pikachu Sitting On The Shoulders Of Trainer Pokemon Go

It also presents the latest features called buddy pokemon, it's new features that can make us appear on screen along with our pokemon.

But do you know if you have a pokemon pikachu in the game pokemon go then you could make your pikachu you have to sit on the shoulders of trainer pokemon go if you chose pikachu as buddy pokemon.

Due to the latest feature updates pokemon go this time it turns out that we can also make pokemon pikachu sitting on the shoulders of our trainer.

How to make a pikachu sitting on the shoulders of trainer pokemon go

There is a way that we have to do to make the pokemon pikachu to sit on the shoulders of trainetr.

The way it is arguably very easy you just need to make pikachu to be your buddy pokemon and walk around 10 Km so pikachu can be moved and sat on the shoulders of trainer pokemon go.

Actually there is also an advantage if you invite your pokemon as your buddy pokemon and walk as far as the distance that has been specified.

You'll also get candy from the pokemon that you make buddy pokemon and walk According to the distance that have bean set in pokemon go.

It is a great little tips that I can give regarding the use of buddy pokemon on games pokemon go. 
