Pokemon GO, How To Install In Your Android Phone

Pokemon GO, How To Install Pokemon GO In Your Android And IOS Phone - Pokemon go is android applications and latest game has just been release in July 2016.

But fans of the game pokemon go is widespread across America even in the rest of the world play the game pokemon go on their android phones.

Pokemon GO, How To Install In Your Android Phone
But before we get into how to install the game pokemon go on android phone, I'll tell you a little bit about pokemon and pokemon go game.

Pokemon and Pokemon Go

I will briefly explain about the pokemon away. Pokemon go is a game that is taken from a story about pokemon and used the anime titles under the name pokemon.

Pokemon story itself already has a lot of series and there have been many different types of pokemon in the pokemon anime.

And the main character in the anime had to travel to catch many pokemon wild type.

To catch wild pokemon, then the main character in the anime had to travel from city to another to get different types of pokemon.

And to get the badge then the main characters from the anime had to do battle in the gym to fight pokemon with the keeper of the gym.

The makers of pokemon go. make the game pokemon go and take the same story with the anime series.

Then in the game pokemon go, you should also catch pokemon, and do pokemon battles in the gym to win and to raise the level of the characters you play.

 Very interresting is it?

It currently has a lot of people who play this game pokemon go and already many also capture pokemons who are wandering around our House

Where to download pokemon go

Surely you can't wait any longer to play pokemon games go this on your phone.

And you definitely can't wait to catch a pokemon that are around the House you live.

For you who want to install the pokemon go gane and install it on your android phone you can download installer pokemon go first.

However if you can not install applications games pokemon go from google play, then you can install it and download it here

How to install pokemon go

If you have downloaded the application, then the next go pokemon you can install the application

To install applications outside of google play you can enable "Unknown sources" on your android phone you by clicking "Setting > Security".

After you finish installing the pokemon go in your phone, then you require to enable GPS on your android phone.

And now yoy can play game pokemon go on your android phone

Thanks for reading Pokemon GO, How To Install In Your Android Phone. Enjoy
